Body Works - Neue Galerie Graz

Body Works – Neue Galerie Graz

Exhibition in the Frame of the Promotion Prize of the Province of Styria for Contemporary Fine Arts 2023

The ongoing series Body Works is inspired by the sociology of the body – a young sub-discipline of sociology – which investigates the mutual relations-hip between body and society. How is social reality created and represented through physical practices, how is it supported, altered and questioned by what one feels on one’s body?

Drawings of a performative nature arise as part of the work cycle, which come close to the connections between spirit and body. These are open linked with the platonic solids as well as the perception and realisation of surrounding atmospheres.

The 110 pieces of serial, small-format works (29,7 x 21 cm) are created almost like entries in a diary, freezing for a short moment the body’s search for ba-lance and stability in drawing. At the heart of the duo’s endeavours lie the social struggle for structures, technologies and resources, on the one hand, and the emergences of new alliances and dependencies, on the other.

Often fragmentary, the drawings are in a state of disintegration and refor-mation. Paired with mostly multi -gendered body images, these analyse not only our present; above all, they address the question of humans in a social reality – and thus in a common future.

Fotos (C) UMJ C.C.Kujec